۱ | AAA (American Accounting Association) |
۲ | AAAAI (The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology) |
۳ | AACC (American Association for Clinical Chemistry) |
۴ | AACC (American Association of Cereal Chemists) |
۵ | AACD (American Association of Clinical Directors) |
۶ | AACH (American Academy on Communication in Healthcare) |
۷ | AACN (American Association of Colleges of Nursing) |
۸ | AACP (American Academy of Chiropractic Physicians) |
۹ | AACR (American Association for Cancer Research) |
۱۰ | AAD (American Academy of Dermatology) |
۱۱ | AAEM (American Academy of Emergency Medicine) |
۱۲ | AAES (Asian Association of Endocrine Surgeons) |
۱۳ | AAGL (American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopy) |
۱۴ | AAHKS (American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons) |
۱۵ | AAI (American Association of Immunologists) |
۱۶ | AAID (American Academy of Implant Dentistry) |
۱۷ | AAIDD (American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities) |
۱۸ | AAIM (Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine) |
۱۹ | AALNA (Assisted Living Nurses Association) |
۲۰ | AAMD (American Association of Medical Dosimetrists) |
۲۱ | AAMS (Association of Air Medical Services) |
۲۲ | AAN (American Academy of Neurology) |
۲۳ | AANA (Arthroscopy Association of North America) |
۲۴ | AANP (American Association of Nurse Practitioners) |
۲۵ | AANS (American Association of Neurological Surgeons) |
۲۶ | AAO (American Academy of Ophthalmology) |
۲۷ | AAO (American Association of Orthodontics) |
۲۸ | AAOMS (American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons) |
۲۹ | AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) |
۳۰ | AAPB (Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback) |
۳۱ | AAPG (American Association of Petroleum Geologists) |
۳۲ | AAPM (American Association of Physicists in Medicine) |
۳۳ | AAPOS (American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons) |
۳۴ | AASH (American Society for Surgery of the Hand) |
۳۵ | ABS (American Brachytherapy Society) |
۳۶ | ACA (American Chiropractic Association) |
۳۷ | ACAAI (American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology) |
۳۸ | Academic Journals |
۳۹ | Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics |
۴۰ | Academy of Sciences of the Czech |
۴۱ | Academy Publisher |
۴۲ | ACCME (Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education) |
۴۳ | ACE (American College of Epidemiology) |
۴۴ | ACEP (American College of Emergency Physicians) |
۴۵ | ACFAS (American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons) |
۴۶ | ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) |
۴۷ | ACOMS (American College of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons) |
۴۸ | ACP (American College of Physicians) |
۴۹ | ACR (American College of Radiology) |
۵۰ | ACRM (American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine) |
۵۱ | ACS (American Chemical Society) |
۵۲ | ACSESS (Alliance of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Science Societies) |
۵۳ | Acta Chemica Scandinavica |
۵۴ | Acta Chimica Sinica |
۵۵ | Acta Physica Sinica |
۵۶ | Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica |
۵۷ | ACTA Press |
۵۸ | Acta Veterinaria Brno, University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences |
۵۹ | ADA (American Diabetes Association) |
۶۰ | ADM (Academy of Dental Materials) |
۶۱ | ADS (Astrophysics Data System) |
۶۲ | ADS-ROC (Association for Dental Sciences of The Republic of China) |
۶۳ | AEA (American Economic Association) |
۶۴ | AFPA (Asian Federation of Psychiatric Associations) |
۶۵ | AGA (American Gastroenterological Association) |
۶۶ | AGU (American Geophysical Union) |
۶۷ | AHA (American Heart Association) |
۶۸ | AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics) |
۶۹ | AIC (Agricultural Institute of Canada) |
۷۰ | AICIT (Association for Information |
۷۱ | AICIT (Association for Information, Culture, Human and Industry Technology) |
۷۲ | AIMS (American Institute of Mathematical Sciences) |
۷۳ | AIOT (Italian Association of Thoracic Oncology) |
۷۴ | AIP (American Institute of Physics) |
۷۵ | AJO (American Journal of Ophthalmology) |
۷۶ | AJOL (African Journals Online) |
۷۷ | AJS (American Journal of Science) |
۷۸ | AJTMH (American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene) |
۷۹ | Akademiai Kiado |
۸۰ | Allen Press |
۸۱ | Alma Mater Studiorum – Universita di Bologna |
۸۲ | AlphaMed Press |
۸۳ | Alzheimer’s Association |
۸۴ | AMA (American Marketing Association) |
۸۵ | AME Publishing Company |
۸۶ | American Academy of Nursing |
۸۷ | American Academy of Periodontology |
۸۸ | American Animal Hospital Association |
۸۹ | American Association of Endodontists |
۹۰ | American College of Chest Physicians |
۹۱ | American College of Preventive Medicine |
۹۲ | American Journal of Health Promotion |
۹۳ | American Peanut Research and Education Society |
۹۴ | American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology |
۹۵ | American Society of Agronomy |
۹۶ | American Society of Animal Science |
۹۷ | American Society of Plant Biologists |
۹۸ | Amlett |
۹۹ | AMP (Association for Molecular Pathology) |
۱۰۰ | AMS (American Mathematical Society) |
۱۰۱ | AMS (American Meteorological Society) |
۱۰۲ | AmSci (Ammons Scientific) |
۱۰۳ | Animal Feed Science and Technology |
۱۰۴ | Annals of Neurosciences |
۱۰۵ | Annual Reviews |
۱۰۶ | ANSI-NSP (ANSI’s Nanotechnology Standards Panel) |
۱۰۷ | AOA (Australian Osteopathic Association) |
۱۰۸ | AOM (Academy of Management) |
۱۰۹ | AORN (Association of periOperative Registered Nurses) |
۱۱۰ | AOSIS OpenJournals |
۱۱۱ | AOTA (American Occupational Therapy Association) |
۱۱۲ | APA (Academic Pediatric Association) |
۱۱۳ | APA (American Psychiatric Association) |
۱۱۴ | APA (American Psychological Association) |
۱۱۵ | APA PsycNet |
۱۱۶ | APHA (American Public Health Association) |
۱۱۷ | APIC (Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology) |
۱۱۸ | APLCGG (Asia Pacific League of Clinical Gerontology and Geriatrics) |
۱۱۹ | Applied Rheology |
۱۲۰ | APRD (Association of Parkinsonism and Related Disorders) |
۱۲۱ | APS (American Pain Society) |
۱۲۲ | APS (American Physical Society) |
۱۲۳ | APS (American Physiological Society) |
۱۲۴ | APS (The American Phytopathological Society) |
۱۲۵ | APSA (American Pediatric Surgical Association) |
۱۲۶ | APTA (American Physical Therapy Association) |
۱۲۷ | ARHP (Association of Reproductive Health Professionals) |
۱۲۸ | Armed Forces Medical Services India |
۱۲۹ | ARRS (American Roentgen Ray Society) |
۱۳۰ | ARTERY (Association for Research into Arterial Structure and Physiology) |
۱۳۱ | ARVO (Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology) |
۱۳۲ | arXiv |
۱۳۳ | ASA (Acoustical Society of America) |
۱۳۴ | ASABE (American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers) |
۱۳۵ | ASB (American Society of Biomechanics) |
۱۳۶ | ASBMB (American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology) |
۱۳۷ | ASBMT (American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation) |
۱۳۸ | ASCB (American Society for Cell Biology) |
۱۳۹ | ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) |
۱۴۰ | ASCI (American Society for Clinical Investigation) |
۱۴۱ | ASCO (American Society of Clinical Oncology) |
۱۴۲ | ASE (American Society of Echocardiography) |
۱۴۳ | ASEV (American Society for Enology and Viticulture) |
۱۴۴ | ASGE (American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy) |
۱۴۵ | ASH (American Society of Hematology) |
۱۴۶ | ASHA (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association) |
۱۴۷ | Ashdin Publishing |
۱۴۸ | ASHP (American Society of Health-System Pharmacists) |
۱۴۹ | Asia Pacific Association for Pediatric Urologists |
۱۵۰ | Asian Australasian Society of Neurological Surgeons |
۱۵۱ | Asian Journal of Chemistry |
۱۵۲ | ASIP (American Society for Investigative Pathology) |
۱۵۳ | ASLO (Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography ) |
۱۵۴ | ASM (American Society for Microbiology) |
۱۵۵ | ASMBS (American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery) |
۱۵۶ | ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) |
۱۵۷ | ASN (American Society for Nutrition) |
۱۵۸ | ASPB (American Society of Plant Biologists) |
۱۵۹ | ASPET (American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics) |
۱۶۰ | Associate Dean for Research and Creative Work |
۱۶۱ | Association of Neuromuscular Physical Therapists |
۱۶۲ | ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) |
۱۶۳ | ASTRO (American Society for Radiation Oncology) |
۱۶۴ | Atlantis Press |
۱۶۵ | ATS (American Thoracic Society) |
۱۶۶ | ATS (Association of Technology and Science) |
۱۶۷ | ATS (Association of Technology and Science, India) |
۱۶۸ | AUR (Association of University Radiologists) |
۱۶۹ | AUS (American Urological Association) |
۱۷۰ | AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association) |
۱۷۱ | AVMS (American Veterinary Medical Association) |
۱۷۲ | AVS (American Viola Society) |
۱۷۳ | AZoM |
۱۷۴ | AZoNano (A to Z of Nanotechnology) |
۱۷۵ | Baishideng Publishing Group |
۱۷۶ | BanglaJOL (Bangladesh Journals OnLine) |
۱۷۷ | BAPRAS (British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgeons) |
۱۷۸ | BASK (British Association for Surgery of the Knee) |
۱۷۹ | BCLA (British Contact Lens Association) |
۱۸۰ | Begell House Digital Library |
۱۸۱ | Beilstein Institut |
۱۸۲ | Bentham Science Publishers |
۱۸۳ | BHL (Biodiversity Heritage Library) |
۱۸۴ | BIA (British Infection Association) |
۱۸۵ | Biochemical Society |
۱۸۶ | BioImpacts |
۱۸۷ | BioMed Central |
۱۸۸ | Biomedical Informatics |
۱۸۹ | BioOne |
۱۹۰ | Biotaxa |
۱۹۱ | BioTechniques |
۱۹۲ | BIR (British Institute of Radiology) |
۱۹۳ | BMJ (British Medical Journal) |
۱۹۴ | Brill Online |
۱۹۵ | British Editorial Society of Bone and Joint Surger |
۱۹۶ | British Epilepsy Association |
۱۹۷ | BSA (Botanical Society of America) |
۱۹۸ | BTS (British Trauma Society) |
۱۹۹ | BVA (British Veterinary Association) |
۲۰۰ | CABI |
۲۰۱ | CAFYD (Ciencias de la Actividad F?sica y del Deporte) |
۲۰۲ | CALIBER (University of California Press) |
۲۰۳ | California Agriculture, University of California |
۲۰۴ | Cambridge University Press |
۲۰۵ | CAN (Australian College of Nursing) |
۲۰۶ | Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute |
۲۰۷ | Canadian Diabetes Association |
۲۰۸ | CBS-KNAW Fungal Biodiversity Centre |
۲۰۹ | CCSE (Canadian Center of Science and Education) |
۲۱۰ | CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) |
۲۱۱ | Cell |
۲۱۲ | CENA (College of Emergency Nursing Australasia) |
۲۱۳ | Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities |
۲۱۴ | Chemical Science Transactions |
۲۱۵ | Chemistry Central |
۲۱۶ | ChemPubSoc Europe |
۲۱۷ | China Natural Gas Industry |
۲۱۸ | China Shanghai Jiading |
۲۱۹ | Chinese Academy of Sciences |
۲۲۰ | Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention |
۲۲۱ | Chinese Taipei Society of Ultrasound in Medicine |
۲۲۲ | CI (Cancer Intelligence) |
۲۲۳ | CiCP (Communications in Computational Physics) |
۲۲۴ | Civil-Comp Press |
۲۲۵ | Clay Minerals Society |
۲۲۶ | CMA (Chinese Medical Association) |
۲۲۷ | CMIS (Computerized Medical Imaging Society) |
۲۲۸ | CMS (Canadian Mathematical Society) |
۲۲۹ | CMU (China Medical University) |
۲۳۰ | Co-Action Publishing |
۲۳۱ | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press |
۲۳۲ | CONA (Canadian Orthopaedic Nurses Association) |
۲۳۳ | Consortia Academia Publishing |
۲۳۴ | Copernicus Publishing |
۲۳۵ | Craniofacial Research Foundation |
۲۳۶ | CRB (College of Reproductive Biology) |
۲۳۷ | CRnetBASE from Taylor & Francis Group |
۲۳۸ | Crop Science |
۲۳۹ | CS (IEEE Computer Society) |
۲۴۰ | CSBJ (Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal) |
۲۴۱ | CSCanada |
۲۴۲ | CSCTR (Central Society for Clinical and Translational Research) |
۲۴۳ | CSH Symposia |
۲۴۴ | CSIC (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient?ficas) |
۲۴۵ | CSIRO Publishing |
۲۴۶ | DCID (Disability, CBR & Inclusive Development) |
۲۴۷ | DD&T (Drug Discoveries & Therapeutics) |
۲۴۸ | De Gruyter |
۲۴۹ | Diagnosis Press |
۲۵۰ | Diva Enterprises Pvt. Ltd |
۲۵۱ | Dove Medical Press |
۲۵۲ | Dryad organization |
۲۵۳ | Duke University Press |
۲۵۴ | Dukej S Group |
۲۵۵ | Duncker & Humblot |
۲۵۶ | EACPT (European Association for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics) |
۲۵۷ | EACTA (European Association of Cardiothoracic Anesthesiologists) |
۲۵۸ | EarthDoc, EAGE Publication |
۲۵۹ | EASL (European Association for the Study of the Liver) |
۲۶۰ | EAU (European Alliance for Innovation) |
۲۶۱ | ECFS (European Cystic Fibrosis Society) |
۲۶۲ | ECNP (European College of Neuropsychopharmacology) |
۲۶۳ | eContent Management |
۲۶۴ | ECS (The Electrochemical Society) |
۲۶۵ | Edinburgh University Press |
۲۶۶ | EDP Sciences |
۲۶۷ | EERI (Earthquake Engineering Research Institute) |
۲۶۸ | EFM (European Federation of Internal Medicine) |
۲۶۹ | EFMI (European Federation for Medical Informatics) |
۲۷۰ | EGU (European Geosciences Union) |
۲۷۱ | EJC (European Journal of Cancer) |
۲۷۲ | Ele & Math |
۲۷۳ | Electronic Journal of Biotechnology |
۲۷۴ | Ele-Math (Element d.o.o. publishing) |
۲۷۵ | Elgaronline (Edward Elgar Publishing) |
۲۷۶ | Elsevier |
۲۷۷ | EMAS (European Menopause and Andropause Society) |
۲۷۸ | EMBO (European Molecular Biology Organization) |
۲۷۹ | EMBO Press |
۲۸۰ | Emerald |
۲۸۱ | EMS (European Mathematical Society) |
۲۸۲ | EMW Publishing |
۲۸۳ | Endocrine Press |
۲۸۴ | Engineering and Technology Publishing |
۲۸۵ | Environmental Health |
۲۸۶ | EOS (European Optical Society) |
۲۸۷ | EPA (European Psychiatric Association) |
۲۸۸ | EPNS (European Paediatric Neurology Society) |
۲۸۹ | ERC (European Resuscitation Council) |
۲۹۰ | ERS (European Respiratory Society) |
۲۹۱ | Erudit |
۲۹۲ | ESA (Ecological Society of America) |
۲۹۳ | ESA (Entomological Society of America) |
۲۹۴ | ESCOP (European Scientific Cooperative on Phytomedicine) |
۲۹۵ | ESMAC (European Society for Movement Analysis in Adults and Children) |
۲۹۶ | ESPEN (European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism) |
۲۹۷ | ESRI (European Society of Reproductive Immunology) |
۲۹۸ | ESRNM (Egyptian Society for Radiology and Nuclear Medicine) |
۲۹۹ | ESTRO (European SocieTy for Radiotherapy & Oncology) |
۳۰۰ | ESVS (European Society for Vascular Surgery) |
۳۰۱ | ETA-Florence Renewable Energies |
۳۰۲ | EUCASS (European Conference for Aero-Space Sciences) |
۳۰۳ | EUGA (European Urogynaecological Association) |
۳۰۴ | EUGMS (European Union Geriatric Medicine Society) |
۳۰۵ | EURASIP, Journal on Image and Video Processing |
۳۰۶ | Eurekaselect |
۳۰۷ | Eurographics Digital Library |
۳۰۸ | European Atherosclerosis Society |
۳۰۹ | European Journal of Oncology Nursing |
۳۱۰ | European Society of Endocrinology |
۳۱۱ | EuSEN (European Society of Emergency Nurses) |
۳۱۲ | Expert Reviews |
۳۱۳ | Faculty of 1000 Ltd |
۳۱۴ | Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University |
۳۱۵ | FASEB (Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology) |
۳۱۶ | FASS (Federation of Animal Science Societies) |
۳۱۷ | FBS (Frontiers in Bioscience) |
۳۱۸ | FCS (Foundation of Computer Science) |
۳۱۹ | FEEM, Review of Environment, Energy and Economics |
۳۲۰ | Figshare |
۳۲۱ | FMA (Formosan Medical Association) |
۳۲۲ | Forest Science |
۳۲۳ | French Society of Pharmacology and Therapeutics |
۳۲۴ | Frontiers |
۳۲۵ | Future Medicine |
۳۲۶ | Future Science |
۳۲۷ | General Hospital Psychiatry |
۳۲۸ | GeoScienceWorld |
۳۲۹ | Gian Sagar Dental College and Hospital |
۳۳۰ | Growing Science |
۳۳۱ | Growing Science Publishing |
۳۳۲ | Growth Hormone Research Society |
۳۳۳ | GSA (Genetics Society of America) |
۳۳۴ | GSA (Geological Society of America) |
۳۳۵ | GSW (GeoScienceWorld) |
۳۳۶ | Guilford Press |
۳۳۷ | Hans Publishers |
۳۳۸ | HANSER eLibrary |
۳۳۹ | HBES (Human Behavior and Evolution Society) |
۳۴۰ | Healio |
۳۴۱ | Health Advance |
۳۴۲ | Heart Failure Society of America |
۳۴۳ | Heart Rhythm Society |
۳۴۴ | Hindawi Publishing Corporation |
۳۴۵ | HIS (Healthcare Infection Society) |
۳۴۶ | HKPA (Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association) |
۳۴۷ | HPT (Health Policy and Technology) |
۳۴۸ | Human Kinetics, Inc |
۳۴۹ | IAEE (International Association for Energy Economics) |
۳۵۰ | IAES (Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science) |
۳۵۱ | IAOMS (International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons) |
۳۵۲ | IASP (International Association for the Study of Pain) |
۳۵۳ | IBRA (International Bee Research Association) |
۳۵۴ | ICE Virtual Library |
۳۵۵ | IDF (International Diabetes Federation) |
۳۵۶ | IEEE |
۳۵۷ | IEICE (Institute of Electronics |
۳۵۸ | IEICE (Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers) |
۳۵۹ | IET (The Institution of Engineering and Technology) |
۳۶۰ | IETE (Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers) |
۳۶۱ | IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) |
۳۶۲ | IFCN (International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology) |
۳۶۳ | IFGO (International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics) |
۳۶۴ | IFP Energies nouvelles |
۳۶۵ | IFPA (International Federation of Placenta Associations) |
۳۶۶ | IGA (International Goat Association) |
۳۶۷ | IGI Global |
۳۶۸ | IJCA (International Journal of Computer Applications) |
۳۶۹ | IJO (Indian Journal of Orthopaedics) |
۳۷۰ | IJSIMM (International Journal of Simulation Modelling) |
۳۷۱ | IMPAS (Institute of Mathematics Polish Academy of Sciences) |
۳۷۲ | IMSS (Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social) |
۳۷۳ | Inderscience Publishing |
۳۷۴ | Indian Association of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics |
۳۷۵ | Indian Journal of Anaesthesia |
۳۷۶ | Indian Society of Human Genetics |
۳۷۷ | Informa Healthcare |
۳۷۸ | Informs Online |
۳۷۹ | Infoscience |
۳۸۰ | IngentaConnect |
۳۸۱ | INIA (Spanish National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology) |
۳۸۲ | Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine |
۳۸۳ | Institute of Aeronautics and Space |
۳۸۴ | Instytut Paleobiologii PAN |
۳۸۵ | InTech |
۳۸۶ | International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology Press |
۳۸۷ | International Journal of Drug Policy |
۳۸۸ | International Network for Natural Sciences |
۳۸۹ | International Pharmacopuncture Institute |
۳۹۰ | International Phycological Society |
۳۹۱ | International Society for Affective Disorders |
۳۹۲ | International Society of Biomechanics |
۳۹۳ | International Society of NeuroImmunology |
۳۹۴ | Internet Scientific Publications |
۳۹۵ | Inter-Research Science Center |
۳۹۶ | IOCB (Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry) |
۳۹۷ | IOP (Institute of Physics) |
۳۹۸ | IOS Press |
۳۹۹ | IPEM (Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine) |
۴۰۰ | I-Revues |
۴۰۱ | ISAE (International Society for Applied Ethology) |
۴۰۲ | ISAN (International Society for Autonomic Neuroscience) |
۴۰۳ | ISBI (International Society for Burn Injuries) |
۴۰۴ | ISC (International Society of Chemotherapy) |
۴۰۵ | ISCR (Indian Society for Clinical Research) |
۴۰۶ | ISEH – Society for Hematology and Stem Cells |
۴۰۷ | ISEK (International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology) |
۴۰۸ | ISHLT (International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation) |
۴۰۹ | ISNIP (International Society for Neuroimaging in Psychiatry) |
۴۱۰ | ISP (International Society for Pathophysiology) |
۴۱۱ | ISPOR (nternational Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research) |
۴۱۲ | ISSFAL (International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids) |
۴۱۳ | Iternational Society for Infectious Diseases |
۴۱۴ | IUCR (International Union of Crystallography) |
۴۱۵ | IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) |
۴۱۶ | Ivyspring International Publisher |
۴۱۷ | IWA Publishing |
۴۱۸ | JAAOS (Journal of The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons) |
۴۱۹ | JAMA (The JAMA Network) |
۴۲۰ | JAMDA (American Medical Directors Association) |
۴۲۱ | JAOB (Japanese Association for Oral Biology) |
۴۲۲ | Japan Institute of Heterocyclic Chemistry |
۴۲۳ | Japan Laser Processing Society |
۴۲۴ | JAPR (ournal of Applied Poultry Research) |
۴۲۵ | JASN (Journal of the American Society of Nephrology) |
۴۲۶ | JBC (Journal of Biological Chemistry) |
۴۲۷ | JBJS (The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery ) |
۴۲۸ | JBJS (The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery) |
۴۲۹ | JMIR Publications Inc. |
۴۳۰ | John Benjamins Publishing |
۴۳۱ | JOSIS (Journal of Spatial Information Science) |
۴۳۲ | JOSPT (Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy) |
۴۳۳ | JPS (Physical Society of Japan) |
۴۳۴ | JSAP (Japan Society of Applied Physics) |
۴۳۵ | JSCSE (International Journal of Soft Computing and Software Engineering) |
۴۳۶ | JSID (Japanese Society for Investigative Dermatology) |
۴۳۷ | JSLM (Japanese Society of Legal Medicine) |
۴۳۸ | JSPD (Japanese Society of Pediatric Dentistry) |
۴۳۹ | Jstor |
۴۴۰ | JTE Multimedia |
۴۴۱ | Kaiser Wilhelm Institute |
۴۴۲ | Karger |
۴۴۳ | KAUNAS University of Technology |
۴۴۴ | Kerman University of Medical Sciences |
۴۴۵ | KISTI (Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information) |
۴۴۶ | KMB (Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology) |
۴۴۷ | KNS (Korean Nutrition Society) |
۴۴۸ | KoreaMed, Korean Medical Journals |
۴۴۹ | Korean Nutrition Society |
۴۵۰ | Korean Society of Nursing Science |
۴۵۱ | KSG (Korean Society of Ginseng) |
۴۵۲ | KSIA (Korean Society of International Agriculture) |
۴۵۳ | Labome |
۴۵۴ | Landes Bioscience |
۴۵۵ | Lebedev Physical Institute of Russian Academy of Science |
۴۵۶ | Linkoping University Electronic Press |
۴۵۷ | Livestock Science |
۴۵۸ | Lyell Collection (Geological Society of London) |
۴۵۹ | M.E. Sharpe |
۴۶۰ | MACP (Musculoskeletal Association of Chartered Physiotherapists) |
۴۶۱ | Macrothink Institute |
۴۶۲ | Maney Publishing |
۴۶۳ | Marmara Universitesi E-Dergi Sistemi |
۴۶۴ | Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. |
۴۶۵ | MATEC |
۴۶۶ | MATEC, Web of Conferences |
۴۶۷ | Math-Net (Russian Academy of Sciences) |
۴۶۸ | Mayo Clinic |
۴۶۹ | MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute) |
۴۷۰ | MDS (Myelodysplastic syndromes) |
۴۷۱ | MECS Publisher |
۴۷۲ | Medicaljournals |
۴۷۳ | Medknow |
۴۷۴ | Medwell Journals |
۴۷۵ | MEFS (Middle East Fertility Society) |
۴۷۶ | Metapress |
۴۷۷ | Michigan Publishing |
۴۷۸ | Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland |
۴۷۹ | MIT Press |
۴۸۰ | MMS (Massachusetts Medical Society) |
۴۸۱ | Morgan & Claypool Publishers |
۴۸۲ | MSA (Mycological Society of America) |
۴۸۳ | MSP (Mathematical Sciences Publishers) |
۴۸۴ | NACE International |
۴۸۵ | Nano-Micro Letters, Shanghai Jiao Tong University |
۴۸۶ | NAPNAP (National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners) |
۴۸۷ | NASPAG (North American Society of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology) |
۴۸۸ | NASS (North American Spine Society) |
۴۸۹ | NATA (National Athletic Trainers’ Association) |
۴۹۰ | Natural Resources Canada |
۴۹۱ | Nature Publishing Group |
۴۹۲ | NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) |
۴۹۳ | NEP (Nursing Education Perspectives) |
۴۹۴ | NepJOL (Nepal Journals OnLine) |
۴۹۵ | NIEHS (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences) |
۴۹۶ | NKF (National Kidney Foundation) |
۴۹۷ | North Pacific Surgical Association |
۴۹۸ | now publishers |
۴۹۹ | NOW Publishers Inc. |
۵۰۰ | NPRC (Neuroscience Peer Review Consortium) |
۵۰۱ | NRC (National Research Council Canada) |
۵۰۲ | NRC Research Press (National Research Council of Canada) |
۵۰۳ | NRL (Nanoscale Research Letters) |
۵۰۴ | NSA (National Stroke Association) |
۵۰۵ | Nuclear Medicine and Biology |
۵۰۶ | NULL |
۵۰۷ | OARSI (Osteoarthritis Research Society International) |
۵۰۸ | OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) |
۵۰۹ | OMICS Group |
۵۱۰ | OnePetro |
۵۱۱ | Ophthalmological Society of Taiwan |
۵۱۲ | OPUBS (Organization of Pharmaceutical Unity with BioAllied Sciences) |
۵۱۳ | ORCP (Obesity Research & Clinical Practice) |
۵۱۴ | OSA (Optical Society) |
۵۱۵ | OSHRI (Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute) |
۵۱۶ | OSTI |
۵۱۷ | OSTI (Office of Scientific and Technical Information) |
۵۱۸ | Oxford University Press |
۵۱۹ | PAAG (The Pan-Arab Association of Gastroenterology) |
۵۲۰ | PAGEPress |
۵۲۱ | Palgrave Macmillan |
۵۲۲ | Palgrave Macmillan Journals |
۵۲۳ | PASCV (Pan American Society for Clinical Virology) |
۵۲۴ | PDA (Parenteral Drug Association) |
۵۲۵ | PDB (Protein Data Bank) |
۵۲۶ | PeerJ, Inc |
۵۲۷ | Peeters Online Journals |
۵۲۸ | Penerbit UTM Press |
۵۲۹ | Pensoft Publisher |
۵۳۰ | Persee, Ministry of State for Higher Education and Research |
۵۳۱ | Petra Christian University |
۵۳۲ | PFA (Pierre Fauchard Academy) |
۵۳۳ | Pharmaceutical Society of Japan |
۵۳۴ | Pharmacognosy Reviews |
۵۳۵ | Philosophy Documentation Center |
۵۳۶ | PHMD (Postepy Higieny i Medycyny Doswiadczalnej) |
۵۳۷ | Physicians Postgraduate Press |
۵۳۸ | Physiological Society |
۵۳۹ | Pion LTD |
۵۴۰ | Plant Management Network |
۵۴۱ | Pleiades Publishing |
۵۴۲ | PLOS ONE |
۵۴۳ | PMF-Matemacki odsjek |
۵۴۴ | PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences) |
۵۴۵ | Polish Botanical Society |
۵۴۶ | Polish Society for Magnesium Research |
۵۴۷ | Portal de Peri?dicos da UEM |
۵۴۸ | Portland Press |
۵۴۹ | Poultry Science Association |
۵۵۰ | Progressive Science Publications |
۵۵۱ | Project Euclid |
۵۵۲ | Project MUSE |
۵۵۳ | Psychology & Neuroscience |
۵۵۴ | Public Health |
۵۵۵ | Public Knowledge Project, Open Journal Systems |
۵۵۶ | Purdue e-Pubs |
۵۵۷ | Qscience |
۵۵۸ | RCN Publishing |
۵۵۹ | Recenti Progressi in Medicina |
۵۶۰ | Rehabilitation Research & Development Service |
۵۶۱ | Research Publishing |
۵۶۲ | Revista Brasileira de Marketin |
۵۶۳ | Revistas Electr?nicas UACh – Minga Online, Universidad Austral de Chile |
۵۶۴ | Rivisteweb, Societa editrice il Mulino |
۵۶۵ | RMPD (Road Materials and Pavement Design) |
۵۶۶ | Rockefeller University Press |
۵۶۷ | Royal College of Psychiatrists |
۵۶۸ | Royal College of Surgeon of Edinburgh |
۵۶۹ | Royal Society Publishing |
۵۷۰ | RSC (Royal Society of Chemistry) |
۵۷۱ | RSNA (Radiological Society of North America) |
۵۷۲ | Rubber Division |
۵۷۳ | SAE International |
۵۷۴ | Sage |
۵۷۵ | SAHM (Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine) |
۵۷۶ | SANGHA (Saudi Arabian National Guard Health Affairs) |
۵۷۷ | Schattauer |
۵۷۸ | Scholar Science Journals |
۵۷۹ | Scholarpedia |
۵۸۰ | Schweizerbart Scince Publishers |
۵۸۱ | Sciedu Press |
۵۸۲ | SciELO, Scientific Electronic Library Online |
۵۸۳ | Science |
۵۸۴ | Science Alert |
۵۸۵ | Science and Engineering Publishing |
۵۸۶ | Science China Press |
۵۸۷ | Science Publications |
۵۸۸ | Science Publishing Group |
۵۸۹ | Scientia Silvae Sinicae |
۵۹۰ | Scientific & Academic Publishing |
۵۹۱ | scientific.net |
۵۹۲ | SciEP (Science and Education publishing) |
۵۹۳ | SCIRP (Scientific Research Publishing) |
۵۹۴ | SciTechnol |
۵۹۵ | SciTePress Digital Library |
۵۹۶ | ScopeMed |
۵۹۷ | Scopemed, Journal Management System |
۵۹۸ | SEG (Society of Economic Geologists) |
۵۹۹ | SEG (Society of Exploration Geophysicists) |
۶۰۰ | SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology) |
۶۰۱ | SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology) |
۶۰۲ | SERPN (Society for Education and Research in Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing) |
۶۰۳ | SFN (Society for Neuroscience) |
۶۰۴ | SGM (Society for General Microbiology) |
۶۰۵ | SGO (Society for Gastrointestinal Oncology) |
۶۰۶ | SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics) |
۶۰۷ | Simon Fraser University Library |
۶۰۸ | SIPaV (Italian Society for Plant Pathology) |
۶۰۹ | SIR (Society of Interventional Radiology) |
۶۱۰ | SIRS (Schizophrenia International Research Society) |
۶۱۱ | SISEF – Societأ Italiana di Selvicoltura ed Ecologia Forestale |
۶۱۲ | SIU (Societe Internationale d’Urologie) |
۶۱۳ | SLB (Society for Leukocyte Biology) |
۶۱۴ | SLJOL (Sri Lanka Journals OnLine) |
۶۱۵ | SMA (Sports Medicine Australia) |
۶۱۶ | SNEB (Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior) |
۶۱۷ | SNMMI (Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging) |
۶۱۸ | SOBP (Society of Biological Psychiatry) |
۶۱۹ | Societa Geologica Italiana |
۶۲۰ | Societa Italiana di Fisica |
۶۲۱ | Society for Endocrinology |
۶۲۲ | Society for Pediatric Pathology |
۶۲۳ | Society for Reproduction and Fertility |
۶۲۴ | Society for the Study of Reproduction |
۶۲۵ | Society for Translational Oncology |
۶۲۶ | Society of Bone & Joint Surgery |
۶۲۷ | Society of Rheology |
۶۲۸ | Society of University Surgeons |
۶۲۹ | Soil and Water Conservation Society |
۶۳۰ | Soil Science Society of America |
۶۳۱ | Sophia Publishing Group |
۶۳۲ | Spandidos Publications |
۶۳۳ | SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) |
۶۳۴ | SPIE Digital Library |
۶۳۵ | SPN (Society of Pediatric Nurses) |
۶۳۶ | Sports Medicine Australia |
۶۳۷ | Springer |
۶۳۸ | SRCE |
۶۳۹ | SSA (Seismological Society of America) |
۶۴۰ | SSR (Society for the Study of Reproduction) |
۶۴۱ | SSRN (Social Science Research Network) |
۶۴۲ | STS (Society of Thoracic Surgeons) |
۶۴۳ | SUO (Society of Urologic Oncology) |
۶۴۴ | Surgical Oncology Clinics of North America |
۶۴۵ | SVN (Society for Vascular Nursing) |
۶۴۶ | SVS (Society for Vascular Surgery) |
۶۴۷ | Taiwan Pediatric Association |
۶۴۸ | Taiwan Society of Anesthesiologists |
۶۴۹ | Taiwan Society of Geriatric Emergency & Critical Care Medicine |
۶۵۰ | Taiwan Society of Microbiology |
۶۵۱ | TAOG (Taiwan Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology) |
۶۵۲ | Taylor & Francis Online |
۶۵۳ | TBIS (Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Society) |
۶۵۴ | Termedia |
۶۵۵ | The Anatolian Journal of Cardiology |
۶۵۶ | The Company of Biologists |
۶۵۷ | The Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers |
۶۵۸ | The Endocrine Society |
۶۵۹ | The Forensic Science Society |
۶۶۰ | The Italian Association of Chemical Engineering |
۶۶۱ | The Journal of Pediatrics |
۶۶۲ | The Physical Society of Japan |
۶۶۳ | The Physician and Sportsmedicine |
۶۶۴ | The Voice Foundation |
۶۶۵ | Thermopedia |
۶۶۶ | Thieme Connect |
۶۶۷ | Thomson Reuters |
۶۶۸ | Tire Society and Allen Press Publishing |
۶۶۹ | TSEM (Taiwan Society of Emergency Medicine) |
۶۷۰ | TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) |
۶۷۱ | Turkiye Parazitoloji Dergisi |
۶۷۲ | Turpion Publications |
۶۷۳ | Tzu Chi Foundation |
۶۷۴ | UAiR (Arizona Institutional Repository) |
۶۷۵ | UAiR, Journals at the University of Arizona |
۶۷۶ | UBC Press (University of the Basque Country Press) |
۶۷۷ | UEJS (UNDIP E-Journal Systems) |
۶۷۸ | Universidade Estadual de Londrina |
۶۷۹ | University of California Press |
۶۸۰ | University of New Brunswick |
۶۸۱ | University Publishing Online |
۶۸۲ | Veterinary World |
۶۸۳ | VIVA (Vascular Interventional Advances) |
۶۸۴ | Wageningen Academic Publishers |
۶۸۵ | Wanfang Data |
۶۸۶ | WARC |
۶۸۷ | WASM (World Association of Sleep Medicine) |
۶۸۸ | WFUMB (World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology) |
۶۸۹ | Wichtig Publishing |
۶۹۰ | Wielkopolskie Centrum Onkologii |
۶۹۱ | Wiley Online Library |
۶۹۲ | WIT Press (Wessex Institute of Technology) |
۶۹۳ | WMS (Wilderness Medical Society) |
۶۹۴ | WMS (World Muscle Society) |
۶۹۵ | Wolters Kluwer Health |
۶۹۶ | World Bank Group |
۶۹۷ | World Federation of Neurology |
۶۹۸ | World Scientific Publishing |
۶۹۹ | ZENODO |
۷۰۰ | Zhejiang University |