تعاونی نیرومندسازی تحقیقات, دانلود, تحقیق, سمینار, پایان نامه,کارشناسی, کارشناسی ارشد, دکتری, PHD, تز ارشد, تز دکتری, پروپوزال ,دانلود رایگان, مشاوره, مقاله ، کنفرانس، ISI ، journal , تحقیق, پیاده سازی, پایان نامه, دفاع, فوری, دانلود, سمینار , کارشناسی ارشد , پروپوزال, تحقیق , پایان نامه, آماده , رایگان

لیست منابع علمی موجود در سایت ما

۱AAA (American Accounting Association)
۲AAAAI (The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology)
۳AACC (American Association for Clinical Chemistry)
۴AACC (American Association of Cereal Chemists)
۵AACD (American Association of Clinical Directors)
۶AACH (American Academy on Communication in Healthcare)
۷AACN (American Association of Colleges of Nursing)
۸AACP (American Academy of Chiropractic Physicians)
۹AACR (American Association for Cancer Research)
۱۰AAD (American Academy of Dermatology)
۱۱AAEM (American Academy of Emergency Medicine)
۱۲AAES (Asian Association of Endocrine Surgeons)
۱۳AAGL (American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopy)
۱۴AAHKS (American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons)
۱۵AAI (American Association of Immunologists)
۱۶AAID (American Academy of Implant Dentistry)
۱۷AAIDD (American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities)
۱۸AAIM (Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine)
۱۹AALNA (Assisted Living Nurses Association)
۲۰AAMD (American Association of Medical Dosimetrists)
۲۱AAMS (Association of Air Medical Services)
۲۲AAN (American Academy of Neurology)
۲۳AANA (Arthroscopy Association of North America)
۲۴AANP (American Association of Nurse Practitioners)
۲۵AANS (American Association of Neurological Surgeons)
۲۶AAO (American Academy of Ophthalmology)
۲۷AAO (American Association of Orthodontics)
۲۸AAOMS (American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons)
۲۹AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics)
۳۰AAPB (Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback)
۳۱AAPG (American Association of Petroleum Geologists)
۳۲AAPM (American Association of Physicists in Medicine)
۳۳AAPOS (American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons)
۳۴AASH (American Society for Surgery of the Hand)
۳۵ABS (American Brachytherapy Society)
۳۶ACA (American Chiropractic Association)
۳۷ACAAI (American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology)
۳۸Academic Journals
۳۹Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
۴۰Academy of Sciences of the Czech
۴۱Academy Publisher
۴۲ACCME (Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education)
۴۳ACE (American College of Epidemiology)
۴۴ACEP (American College of Emergency Physicians)
۴۵ACFAS (American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons)
۴۶ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)
۴۷ACOMS (American College of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons)
۴۸ACP (American College of Physicians)
۴۹ACR (American College of Radiology)
۵۰ACRM (American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine)
۵۱ACS (American Chemical Society)
۵۲ACSESS (Alliance of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Science Societies)
۵۳Acta Chemica Scandinavica
۵۴Acta Chimica Sinica
۵۵Acta Physica Sinica
۵۶Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica
۵۷ACTA Press
۵۸Acta Veterinaria Brno, University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences
۵۹ADA (American Diabetes Association)
۶۰ADM (Academy of Dental Materials)
۶۱ADS (Astrophysics Data System)
۶۲ADS-ROC (Association for Dental Sciences of The Republic of China)
۶۳AEA (American Economic Association)
۶۴AFPA (Asian Federation of Psychiatric Associations)
۶۵AGA (American Gastroenterological Association)
۶۶AGU (American Geophysical Union)
۶۷AHA (American Heart Association)
۶۸AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics)
۶۹AIC (Agricultural Institute of Canada)
۷۰AICIT (Association for Information
۷۱AICIT (Association for Information, Culture, Human and Industry Technology)
۷۲AIMS (American Institute of Mathematical Sciences)
۷۳AIOT (Italian Association of Thoracic Oncology)
۷۴AIP (American Institute of Physics)
۷۵AJO (American Journal of Ophthalmology)
۷۶AJOL (African Journals Online)
۷۷AJS (American Journal of Science)
۷۸AJTMH (American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene)
۷۹Akademiai Kiado
۸۰Allen Press
۸۱Alma Mater Studiorum – Universita di Bologna
۸۲AlphaMed Press
۸۳Alzheimer’s Association
۸۴AMA (American Marketing Association)
۸۵AME Publishing Company
۸۶American Academy of Nursing
۸۷American Academy of Periodontology
۸۸American Animal Hospital Association
۸۹American Association of Endodontists
۹۰American College of Chest Physicians
۹۱American College of Preventive Medicine
۹۲American Journal of Health Promotion
۹۳American Peanut Research and Education Society
۹۴American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
۹۵American Society of Agronomy
۹۶American Society of Animal Science
۹۷American Society of Plant Biologists
۹۹AMP (Association for Molecular Pathology)
۱۰۰AMS (American Mathematical Society)
۱۰۱AMS (American Meteorological Society)
۱۰۲AmSci (Ammons Scientific)
۱۰۳Animal Feed Science and Technology
۱۰۴Annals of Neurosciences
۱۰۵Annual Reviews
۱۰۶ANSI-NSP (ANSI’s Nanotechnology Standards Panel)
۱۰۷AOA (Australian Osteopathic Association)
۱۰۸AOM (Academy of Management)
۱۰۹AORN (Association of periOperative Registered Nurses)
۱۱۰AOSIS OpenJournals
۱۱۱AOTA (American Occupational Therapy Association)
۱۱۲APA (Academic Pediatric Association)
۱۱۳APA (American Psychiatric Association)
۱۱۴APA (American Psychological Association)
۱۱۵APA PsycNet
۱۱۶APHA (American Public Health Association)
۱۱۷APIC (Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology)
۱۱۸APLCGG (Asia Pacific League of Clinical Gerontology and Geriatrics)
۱۱۹Applied Rheology
۱۲۰APRD (Association of Parkinsonism and Related Disorders)
۱۲۱APS (American Pain Society)
۱۲۲APS (American Physical Society)
۱۲۳APS (American Physiological Society)
۱۲۴APS (The American Phytopathological Society)
۱۲۵APSA (American Pediatric Surgical Association)
۱۲۶APTA (American Physical Therapy Association)
۱۲۷ARHP (Association of Reproductive Health Professionals)
۱۲۸Armed Forces Medical Services India
۱۲۹ARRS (American Roentgen Ray Society)
۱۳۰ARTERY (Association for Research into Arterial Structure and Physiology)
۱۳۱ARVO (Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology)
۱۳۳ASA (Acoustical Society of America)
۱۳۴ASABE (American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers)
۱۳۵ASB (American Society of Biomechanics)
۱۳۶ASBMB (American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)
۱۳۷ASBMT (American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation)
۱۳۸ASCB (American Society for Cell Biology)
۱۳۹ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers)
۱۴۰ASCI (American Society for Clinical Investigation)
۱۴۱ASCO (American Society of Clinical Oncology)
۱۴۲ASE (American Society of Echocardiography)
۱۴۳ASEV (American Society for Enology and Viticulture)
۱۴۴ASGE (American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy)
۱۴۵ASH (American Society of Hematology)
۱۴۶ASHA (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association)
۱۴۷Ashdin Publishing
۱۴۸ASHP (American Society of Health-System Pharmacists)
۱۴۹Asia Pacific Association for Pediatric Urologists
۱۵۰Asian Australasian Society of Neurological Surgeons
۱۵۱Asian Journal of Chemistry
۱۵۲ASIP (American Society for Investigative Pathology)
۱۵۳ASLO (Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography )
۱۵۴ASM (American Society for Microbiology)
۱۵۵ASMBS (American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery)
۱۵۶ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
۱۵۷ASN (American Society for Nutrition)
۱۵۸ASPB (American Society of Plant Biologists)
۱۵۹ASPET (American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics)
۱۶۰Associate Dean for Research and Creative Work
۱۶۱Association of Neuromuscular Physical Therapists
۱۶۲ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials)
۱۶۳ASTRO (American Society for Radiation Oncology)
۱۶۴Atlantis Press
۱۶۵ATS (American Thoracic Society)
۱۶۶ATS (Association of Technology and Science)
۱۶۷ATS (Association of Technology and Science, India)
۱۶۸AUR (Association of University Radiologists)
۱۶۹AUS (American Urological Association)
۱۷۰AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association)
۱۷۱AVMS (American Veterinary Medical Association)
۱۷۲AVS (American Viola Society)
۱۷۴AZoNano (A to Z of Nanotechnology)
۱۷۵Baishideng Publishing Group
۱۷۶BanglaJOL (Bangladesh Journals OnLine)
۱۷۷BAPRAS (British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgeons)
۱۷۸BASK (British Association for Surgery of the Knee)
۱۷۹BCLA (British Contact Lens Association)
۱۸۰Begell House Digital Library
۱۸۱Beilstein Institut
۱۸۲Bentham Science Publishers
۱۸۳BHL (Biodiversity Heritage Library)
۱۸۴BIA (British Infection Association)
۱۸۵Biochemical Society
۱۸۷BioMed Central
۱۸۸Biomedical Informatics
۱۹۲BIR (British Institute of Radiology)
۱۹۳BMJ (British Medical Journal)
۱۹۴Brill Online
۱۹۵British Editorial Society of Bone and Joint Surger
۱۹۶British Epilepsy Association
۱۹۷BSA (Botanical Society of America)
۱۹۸BTS (British Trauma Society)
۱۹۹BVA (British Veterinary Association)
۲۰۱CAFYD (Ciencias de la Actividad F?sica y del Deporte)
۲۰۲CALIBER (University of California Press)
۲۰۳California Agriculture, University of California
۲۰۴Cambridge University Press
۲۰۵CAN (Australian College of Nursing)
۲۰۶Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute
۲۰۷Canadian Diabetes Association
۲۰۸CBS-KNAW Fungal Biodiversity Centre
۲۰۹CCSE (Canadian Center of Science and Education)
۲۱۰CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
۲۱۲CENA (College of Emergency Nursing Australasia)
۲۱۳Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities
۲۱۴Chemical Science Transactions
۲۱۵Chemistry Central
۲۱۶ChemPubSoc Europe
۲۱۷China Natural Gas Industry
۲۱۸China Shanghai Jiading
۲۱۹Chinese Academy of Sciences
۲۲۰Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention
۲۲۱Chinese Taipei Society of Ultrasound in Medicine
۲۲۲CI (Cancer Intelligence)
۲۲۳CiCP (Communications in Computational Physics)
۲۲۴Civil-Comp Press
۲۲۵Clay Minerals Society
۲۲۶CMA (Chinese Medical Association)
۲۲۷CMIS (Computerized Medical Imaging Society)
۲۲۸CMS (Canadian Mathematical Society)
۲۲۹CMU (China Medical University)
۲۳۰Co-Action Publishing
۲۳۱Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
۲۳۲CONA (Canadian Orthopaedic Nurses Association)
۲۳۳Consortia Academia Publishing
۲۳۴Copernicus Publishing
۲۳۵Craniofacial Research Foundation
۲۳۶CRB (College of Reproductive Biology)
۲۳۷CRnetBASE from Taylor & Francis Group
۲۳۸Crop Science
۲۳۹CS (IEEE Computer Society)
۲۴۰CSBJ (Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal)
۲۴۲CSCTR (Central Society for Clinical and Translational Research)
۲۴۳CSH Symposia
۲۴۴CSIC (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient?ficas)
۲۴۵CSIRO Publishing
۲۴۶DCID (Disability, CBR & Inclusive Development)
۲۴۷DD&T (Drug Discoveries & Therapeutics)
۲۴۸De Gruyter
۲۴۹Diagnosis Press
۲۵۰Diva Enterprises Pvt. Ltd
۲۵۱Dove Medical Press
۲۵۲Dryad organization
۲۵۳Duke University Press
۲۵۴Dukej S Group
۲۵۵Duncker & Humblot
۲۵۶EACPT (European Association for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics)
۲۵۷EACTA (European Association of Cardiothoracic Anesthesiologists)
۲۵۸EarthDoc, EAGE Publication
۲۵۹EASL (European Association for the Study of the Liver)
۲۶۰EAU (European Alliance for Innovation)
۲۶۱ECFS (European Cystic Fibrosis Society)
۲۶۲ECNP (European College of Neuropsychopharmacology)
۲۶۳eContent Management
۲۶۴ECS (The Electrochemical Society)
۲۶۵Edinburgh University Press
۲۶۶EDP Sciences
۲۶۷EERI (Earthquake Engineering Research Institute)
۲۶۸EFM (European Federation of Internal Medicine)
۲۶۹EFMI (European Federation for Medical Informatics)
۲۷۰EGU (European Geosciences Union)
۲۷۱EJC (European Journal of Cancer)
۲۷۲Ele & Math
۲۷۳Electronic Journal of Biotechnology
۲۷۴Ele-Math (Element d.o.o. publishing)
۲۷۵Elgaronline (Edward Elgar Publishing)
۲۷۷EMAS (European Menopause and Andropause Society)
۲۷۸EMBO (European Molecular Biology Organization)
۲۷۹EMBO Press
۲۸۱EMS (European Mathematical Society)
۲۸۲EMW Publishing
۲۸۳Endocrine Press
۲۸۴Engineering and Technology Publishing
۲۸۵Environmental Health
۲۸۶EOS (European Optical Society)
۲۸۷EPA (European Psychiatric Association)
۲۸۸EPNS (European Paediatric Neurology Society)
۲۸۹ERC (European Resuscitation Council)
۲۹۰ERS (European Respiratory Society)
۲۹۲ESA (Ecological Society of America)
۲۹۳ESA (Entomological Society of America)
۲۹۴ESCOP (European Scientific Cooperative on Phytomedicine)
۲۹۵ESMAC (European Society for Movement Analysis in Adults and Children)
۲۹۶ESPEN (European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism)
۲۹۷ESRI (European Society of Reproductive Immunology)
۲۹۸ESRNM (Egyptian Society for Radiology and Nuclear Medicine)
۲۹۹ESTRO (European SocieTy for Radiotherapy & Oncology)
۳۰۰ESVS (European Society for Vascular Surgery)
۳۰۱ETA-Florence Renewable Energies
۳۰۲EUCASS (European Conference for Aero-Space Sciences)
۳۰۳EUGA (European Urogynaecological Association)
۳۰۴EUGMS (European Union Geriatric Medicine Society)
۳۰۵EURASIP, Journal on Image and Video Processing
۳۰۷Eurographics Digital Library
۳۰۸European Atherosclerosis Society
۳۰۹European Journal of Oncology Nursing
۳۱۰European Society of Endocrinology
۳۱۱EuSEN (European Society of Emergency Nurses)
۳۱۲Expert Reviews
۳۱۳Faculty of 1000 Ltd
۳۱۴Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University
۳۱۵FASEB (Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology)
۳۱۶FASS (Federation of Animal Science Societies)
۳۱۷FBS (Frontiers in Bioscience)
۳۱۸FCS (Foundation of Computer Science)
۳۱۹FEEM, Review of Environment, Energy and Economics
۳۲۱FMA (Formosan Medical Association)
۳۲۲Forest Science
۳۲۳French Society of Pharmacology and Therapeutics
۳۲۵Future Medicine
۳۲۶Future Science
۳۲۷General Hospital Psychiatry
۳۲۹Gian Sagar Dental College and Hospital
۳۳۰Growing Science
۳۳۱Growing Science Publishing
۳۳۲Growth Hormone Research Society
۳۳۳GSA (Genetics Society of America)
۳۳۴GSA (Geological Society of America)
۳۳۵GSW (GeoScienceWorld)
۳۳۶Guilford Press
۳۳۷Hans Publishers
۳۳۸HANSER eLibrary
۳۳۹HBES (Human Behavior and Evolution Society)
۳۴۱Health Advance
۳۴۲Heart Failure Society of America
۳۴۳Heart Rhythm Society
۳۴۴Hindawi Publishing Corporation
۳۴۵HIS (Healthcare Infection Society)
۳۴۶HKPA (Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association)
۳۴۷HPT (Health Policy and Technology)
۳۴۸Human Kinetics, Inc
۳۴۹IAEE (International Association for Energy Economics)
۳۵۰IAES (Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science)
۳۵۱IAOMS (International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons)
۳۵۲IASP (International Association for the Study of Pain)
۳۵۳IBRA (International Bee Research Association)
۳۵۴ICE Virtual Library
۳۵۵IDF (International Diabetes Federation)
۳۵۷IEICE (Institute of Electronics
۳۵۸IEICE (Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers)
۳۵۹IET (The Institution of Engineering and Technology)
۳۶۰IETE (Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers)
۳۶۱IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control)
۳۶۲IFCN (International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology)
۳۶۳IFGO (International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics)
۳۶۴IFP Energies nouvelles
۳۶۵IFPA (International Federation of Placenta Associations)
۳۶۶IGA (International Goat Association)
۳۶۷IGI Global
۳۶۸IJCA (International Journal of Computer Applications)
۳۶۹IJO (Indian Journal of Orthopaedics)
۳۷۰IJSIMM (International Journal of Simulation Modelling)
۳۷۱IMPAS (Institute of Mathematics Polish Academy of Sciences)
۳۷۲IMSS (Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social)
۳۷۳Inderscience Publishing
۳۷۴Indian Association of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics
۳۷۵Indian Journal of Anaesthesia
۳۷۶Indian Society of Human Genetics
۳۷۷Informa Healthcare
۳۷۸Informs Online
۳۸۱INIA (Spanish National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology)
۳۸۲Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
۳۸۳Institute of Aeronautics and Space
۳۸۴Instytut Paleobiologii PAN
۳۸۶International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology Press
۳۸۷International Journal of Drug Policy
۳۸۸International Network for Natural Sciences
۳۸۹International Pharmacopuncture Institute
۳۹۰International Phycological Society
۳۹۱International Society for Affective Disorders
۳۹۲International Society of Biomechanics
۳۹۳International Society of NeuroImmunology
۳۹۴Internet Scientific Publications
۳۹۵Inter-Research Science Center
۳۹۶IOCB (Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry)
۳۹۷IOP (Institute of Physics)
۳۹۸IOS Press
۳۹۹IPEM (Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine)
۴۰۱ISAE (International Society for Applied Ethology)
۴۰۲ISAN (International Society for Autonomic Neuroscience)
۴۰۳ISBI (International Society for Burn Injuries)
۴۰۴ISC (International Society of Chemotherapy)
۴۰۵ISCR (Indian Society for Clinical Research)
۴۰۶ISEH – Society for Hematology and Stem Cells
۴۰۷ISEK (International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology)
۴۰۸ISHLT (International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation)
۴۰۹ISNIP (International Society for Neuroimaging in Psychiatry)
۴۱۰ISP (International Society for Pathophysiology)
۴۱۱ISPOR (nternational Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research)
۴۱۲ISSFAL (International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids)
۴۱۳Iternational Society for Infectious Diseases
۴۱۴IUCR (International Union of Crystallography)
۴۱۵IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry)
۴۱۶Ivyspring International Publisher
۴۱۷IWA Publishing
۴۱۸JAAOS (Journal of The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons)
۴۱۹JAMA (The JAMA Network)
۴۲۰JAMDA (American Medical Directors Association)
۴۲۱JAOB (Japanese Association for Oral Biology)
۴۲۲Japan Institute of Heterocyclic Chemistry
۴۲۳Japan Laser Processing Society
۴۲۴JAPR (ournal of Applied Poultry Research)
۴۲۵JASN (Journal of the American Society of Nephrology)
۴۲۶JBC (Journal of Biological Chemistry)
۴۲۷JBJS (The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery )
۴۲۸JBJS (The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery)
۴۲۹JMIR Publications Inc.
۴۳۰John Benjamins Publishing
۴۳۱JOSIS (Journal of Spatial Information Science)
۴۳۲JOSPT (Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy)
۴۳۳JPS (Physical Society of Japan)
۴۳۴JSAP (Japan Society of Applied Physics)
۴۳۵JSCSE (International Journal of Soft Computing and Software Engineering)
۴۳۶JSID (Japanese Society for Investigative Dermatology)
۴۳۷JSLM (Japanese Society of Legal Medicine)
۴۳۸JSPD (Japanese Society of Pediatric Dentistry)
۴۴۰JTE Multimedia
۴۴۱Kaiser Wilhelm Institute
۴۴۳KAUNAS University of Technology
۴۴۴Kerman University of Medical Sciences
۴۴۵KISTI (Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information)
۴۴۶KMB (Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology)
۴۴۷KNS (Korean Nutrition Society)
۴۴۸KoreaMed, Korean Medical Journals
۴۴۹Korean Nutrition Society
۴۵۰Korean Society of Nursing Science
۴۵۱KSG (Korean Society of Ginseng)
۴۵۲KSIA (Korean Society of International Agriculture)
۴۵۴Landes Bioscience
۴۵۵Lebedev Physical Institute of Russian Academy of Science
۴۵۶Linkoping University Electronic Press
۴۵۷Livestock Science
۴۵۸Lyell Collection (Geological Society of London)
۴۵۹M.E. Sharpe
۴۶۰MACP (Musculoskeletal Association of Chartered Physiotherapists)
۴۶۱Macrothink Institute
۴۶۲Maney Publishing
۴۶۳Marmara Universitesi E-Dergi Sistemi
۴۶۴Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
۴۶۶MATEC, Web of Conferences
۴۶۷Math-Net (Russian Academy of Sciences)
۴۶۸Mayo Clinic
۴۶۹MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute)
۴۷۰MDS (Myelodysplastic syndromes)
۴۷۱MECS Publisher
۴۷۴Medwell Journals
۴۷۵MEFS (Middle East Fertility Society)
۴۷۷Michigan Publishing
۴۷۸Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland
۴۷۹MIT Press
۴۸۰MMS (Massachusetts Medical Society)
۴۸۱Morgan & Claypool Publishers
۴۸۲MSA (Mycological Society of America)
۴۸۳MSP (Mathematical Sciences Publishers)
۴۸۴NACE International
۴۸۵Nano-Micro Letters, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
۴۸۶NAPNAP (National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners)
۴۸۷NASPAG (North American Society of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology)
۴۸۸NASS (North American Spine Society)
۴۸۹NATA (National Athletic Trainers’ Association)
۴۹۰Natural Resources Canada
۴۹۱Nature Publishing Group
۴۹۲NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information)
۴۹۳NEP (Nursing Education Perspectives)
۴۹۴NepJOL (Nepal Journals OnLine)
۴۹۵NIEHS (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences)
۴۹۶NKF (National Kidney Foundation)
۴۹۷North Pacific Surgical Association
۴۹۸now publishers
۴۹۹NOW Publishers Inc.
۵۰۰NPRC (Neuroscience Peer Review Consortium)
۵۰۱NRC (National Research Council Canada)
۵۰۲NRC Research Press (National Research Council of Canada)
۵۰۳NRL (Nanoscale Research Letters)
۵۰۴NSA (National Stroke Association)
۵۰۵Nuclear Medicine and Biology
۵۰۷OARSI (Osteoarthritis Research Society International)
۵۰۸OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development)
۵۰۹OMICS Group
۵۱۱Ophthalmological Society of Taiwan
۵۱۲OPUBS (Organization of Pharmaceutical Unity with BioAllied Sciences)
۵۱۳ORCP (Obesity Research & Clinical Practice)
۵۱۴OSA (Optical Society)
۵۱۵OSHRI (Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute)
۵۱۷OSTI (Office of Scientific and Technical Information)
۵۱۸Oxford University Press
۵۱۹PAAG (The Pan-Arab Association of Gastroenterology)
۵۲۱Palgrave Macmillan
۵۲۲Palgrave Macmillan Journals
۵۲۳PASCV (Pan American Society for Clinical Virology)
۵۲۴PDA (Parenteral Drug Association)
۵۲۵PDB (Protein Data Bank)
۵۲۶PeerJ, Inc
۵۲۷Peeters Online Journals
۵۲۸Penerbit UTM Press
۵۲۹Pensoft Publisher
۵۳۰Persee, Ministry of State for Higher Education and Research
۵۳۱Petra Christian University
۵۳۲PFA (Pierre Fauchard Academy)
۵۳۳Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
۵۳۴Pharmacognosy Reviews
۵۳۵Philosophy Documentation Center
۵۳۶PHMD (Postepy Higieny i Medycyny Doswiadczalnej)
۵۳۷Physicians Postgraduate Press
۵۳۸Physiological Society
۵۳۹Pion LTD
۵۴۰Plant Management Network
۵۴۱Pleiades Publishing
۵۴۳PMF-Matemacki odsjek
۵۴۴PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)
۵۴۵Polish Botanical Society
۵۴۶Polish Society for Magnesium Research
۵۴۷Portal de Peri?dicos da UEM
۵۴۸Portland Press
۵۴۹Poultry Science Association
۵۵۰Progressive Science Publications
۵۵۱Project Euclid
۵۵۲Project MUSE
۵۵۳Psychology & Neuroscience
۵۵۴Public Health
۵۵۵Public Knowledge Project, Open Journal Systems
۵۵۶Purdue e-Pubs
۵۵۸RCN Publishing
۵۵۹Recenti Progressi in Medicina
۵۶۰Rehabilitation Research & Development Service
۵۶۱Research Publishing
۵۶۲Revista Brasileira de Marketin
۵۶۳Revistas Electr?nicas UACh – Minga Online, Universidad Austral de Chile
۵۶۴Rivisteweb, Societa editrice il Mulino
۵۶۵RMPD (Road Materials and Pavement Design)
۵۶۶Rockefeller University Press
۵۶۷Royal College of Psychiatrists
۵۶۸Royal College of Surgeon of Edinburgh
۵۶۹Royal Society Publishing
۵۷۰RSC (Royal Society of Chemistry)
۵۷۱RSNA (Radiological Society of North America)
۵۷۲Rubber Division
۵۷۳SAE International
۵۷۵SAHM (Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine)
۵۷۶SANGHA (Saudi Arabian National Guard Health Affairs)
۵۷۸Scholar Science Journals
۵۸۰Schweizerbart Scince Publishers
۵۸۱Sciedu Press
۵۸۲SciELO, Scientific Electronic Library Online
۵۸۴Science Alert
۵۸۵Science and Engineering Publishing
۵۸۶Science China Press
۵۸۷Science Publications
۵۸۸Science Publishing Group
۵۸۹Scientia Silvae Sinicae
۵۹۰Scientific & Academic Publishing
۵۹۲SciEP (Science and Education publishing)
۵۹۳SCIRP (Scientific Research Publishing)
۵۹۵SciTePress Digital Library
۵۹۷Scopemed, Journal Management System
۵۹۸SEG (Society of Economic Geologists)
۵۹۹SEG (Society of Exploration Geophysicists)
۶۰۰SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology)
۶۰۱SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology)
۶۰۲SERPN (Society for Education and Research in Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing)
۶۰۳SFN (Society for Neuroscience)
۶۰۴SGM (Society for General Microbiology)
۶۰۵SGO (Society for Gastrointestinal Oncology)
۶۰۶SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics)
۶۰۷Simon Fraser University Library
۶۰۸SIPaV (Italian Society for Plant Pathology)
۶۰۹SIR (Society of Interventional Radiology)
۶۱۰SIRS (Schizophrenia International Research Society)
۶۱۱SISEF – Societأ  Italiana di Selvicoltura ed Ecologia Forestale
۶۱۲SIU (Societe Internationale d’Urologie)
۶۱۳SLB (Society for Leukocyte Biology)
۶۱۴SLJOL (Sri Lanka Journals OnLine)
۶۱۵SMA (Sports Medicine Australia)
۶۱۶SNEB (Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior)
۶۱۷SNMMI (Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging)
۶۱۸SOBP (Society of Biological Psychiatry)
۶۱۹Societa Geologica Italiana
۶۲۰Societa Italiana di Fisica
۶۲۱Society for Endocrinology
۶۲۲Society for Pediatric Pathology
۶۲۳Society for Reproduction and Fertility
۶۲۴Society for the Study of Reproduction
۶۲۵Society for Translational Oncology
۶۲۶Society of Bone & Joint Surgery
۶۲۷Society of Rheology
۶۲۸Society of University Surgeons
۶۲۹Soil and Water Conservation Society
۶۳۰Soil Science Society of America
۶۳۱Sophia Publishing Group
۶۳۲Spandidos Publications
۶۳۳SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers)
۶۳۴SPIE Digital Library
۶۳۵SPN (Society of Pediatric Nurses)
۶۳۶Sports Medicine Australia
۶۳۹SSA (Seismological Society of America)
۶۴۰SSR (Society for the Study of Reproduction)
۶۴۱SSRN (Social Science Research Network)
۶۴۲STS (Society of Thoracic Surgeons)
۶۴۳SUO (Society of Urologic Oncology)
۶۴۴Surgical Oncology Clinics of North America
۶۴۵SVN (Society for Vascular Nursing)
۶۴۶SVS (Society for Vascular Surgery)
۶۴۷Taiwan Pediatric Association
۶۴۸Taiwan Society of Anesthesiologists
۶۴۹Taiwan Society of Geriatric Emergency & Critical Care Medicine
۶۵۰Taiwan Society of Microbiology
۶۵۱TAOG (Taiwan Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology)
۶۵۲Taylor & Francis Online
۶۵۳TBIS (Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Society)
۶۵۵The Anatolian Journal of Cardiology
۶۵۶The Company of Biologists
۶۵۷The Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers
۶۵۸The Endocrine Society
۶۵۹The Forensic Science Society
۶۶۰The Italian Association of Chemical Engineering
۶۶۱The Journal of Pediatrics
۶۶۲The Physical Society of Japan
۶۶۳The Physician and Sportsmedicine
۶۶۴The Voice Foundation
۶۶۶Thieme Connect
۶۶۷Thomson Reuters
۶۶۸Tire Society and Allen Press Publishing
۶۶۹TSEM (Taiwan Society of Emergency Medicine)
۶۷۰TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey)
۶۷۱Turkiye Parazitoloji Dergisi
۶۷۲Turpion Publications
۶۷۳Tzu Chi Foundation
۶۷۴UAiR (Arizona Institutional Repository)
۶۷۵UAiR, Journals at the University of Arizona
۶۷۶UBC Press (University of the Basque Country Press)
۶۷۷UEJS (UNDIP E-Journal Systems)
۶۷۸Universidade Estadual de Londrina
۶۷۹University of California Press
۶۸۰University of New Brunswick
۶۸۱University Publishing Online
۶۸۲Veterinary World
۶۸۳VIVA (Vascular Interventional Advances)
۶۸۴Wageningen Academic Publishers
۶۸۵Wanfang Data
۶۸۷WASM (World Association of Sleep Medicine)
۶۸۸WFUMB (World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology)
۶۸۹Wichtig Publishing
۶۹۰Wielkopolskie Centrum Onkologii
۶۹۱Wiley Online Library
۶۹۲WIT Press (Wessex Institute of Technology)
۶۹۳WMS (Wilderness Medical Society)
۶۹۴WMS (World Muscle Society)
۶۹۵Wolters Kluwer Health
۶۹۶World Bank Group
۶۹۷World Federation of Neurology
۶۹۸World Scientific Publishing
۷۰۰Zhejiang University
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